Endgame Aftermath

I saw Endgame last night. That I was going to see it was not in question, of course, what with it being the culmination of a decade of movies (some 22 in total if I’ve counted correctly), something that is, as far as I can tell, unprecedented in all of film history. What follows is some discussion of the aftermath of Endgame so it should go without saying that spoilers will happen.

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Was Andy Dufresne Guilty?

I’ve just watched the latter half of Shawshank Redemptionfor the third time in about two weeks. If you haven’t seen it, you should watch it. I expect film school, drama, and even classics students to be studying it far into the future. But that’s not my point. Rather, this time I got to thinking about why I like the movie so much. I’m going to go into that here, so spoiler alert. You have been warned.

Continue reading “Was Andy Dufresne Guilty?”

Summerland Expedition

On Thursday, my dad and I set out on a trip to Summerland,  British Columbia to observe and ride the Kettle Valley steam train. So far, the trip has been enjoyable and quite successful.

A couple of things have stood out so far.  The first was the stop at the spiral tunnels on the way over the Rockies.

The other has been a restaurant we happened on in Summerland.  It is called Santorini’s and it is well worth your while to stop there if you ever find yourself passing through Summerland. It is located in the central business district so it requires navigating off the main highway but that extra effort will pay off. Not only is the service excellent but so is the food, from the regular menu to the daily specials. One particularly interesting (in a good way) item was the southern fried chicken served on a waffle topped with gravy and with maple syrup on the side. You are probably thinking that there is no way that could possibly work but, surprisingly, even with the syrup and gravy mixed on the waffle after eating the chicken it worked quite well. If they happen to be offering that special when you stop by, give it a try.  You will be pleasantly surprised.

Those of you who follow my ramblings know that I rarely review or endorse businesses so you know I was truly impressed.

Of course, Summerland has a great deal more to offer. Make ab expedition of it and view the other attractions in the area like the local mountain or the many wineries. Or just enjoy the spectacular scenery the Okanogan has to offer.


I now return you to your regularly scheduled randomness.