Offline Blogging

I’ve been poking about looking for options to allow offline blog posting in a sensible manner under Ubuntu and while I keep finding software that looks promising, it all freaking crashes or otherwise fails to work at all. I can’t be the only person with these problems but I can’t find a blasted thing about them because the software likes to have insanely common words as names, like “Drivel” for instance.

I suppose I’ll eventually find an offline blogging tool that works for me but for the moment, it’s just frustrating. Why does software have to be so damned fragile? I mean, is it too much to ask for some decent checks to say “You <bleeped> up, you <bleeping> moron” rather than just crashing silently? (No, don’t answer that. I know the answer.)

Well, enough grousing. Off to find something more constructive to do.

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