
Well, for the past two days, I’ve managed to get out and go for a half hour stroll in the morning. It takes a bit of motivating to get going in the morning when you know you’re going to have to stick your nose out into the freezing temperatures that often accompany winter mornings. Even so, I’ve managed to do it two days running.

One thing I underestimated, though, was how much it was going to hurt to get started at this morning constitutional thing. When you really get down to it, I’m in terrible physical condition. I haven’t done any real physical activity in a long time and I sit at a desk all day at the office. Not a lot of exercise involved in sitting at a desk. Of course, that was the motivation behind the strolling, too. So, after the stroll yesterday, the muscles and tendons in my legs were hurting. Not horribly so, but hurting none the less. It was painful to try rotate my foot. The drive to work was not the most comfortable one I’ve ever had. But, there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. After my stroll this morning, the aches were not as bad. So it seems that as I continue the process, the aches should get less. Not that that was unexpected, but it did catch me off guard anyway.

I expect also that as I manage to reduce my weight, the strain of strolling every morning will reduce, too. I don’t expect to see a major change in the regard immediately, though. For one, if the muscle mass in my legs increases, even though I might be taking fat off, my weight won’t necessarily decrease. That’s okay though, since removing fat is the goal, not reducing weight at any cost.

So, for the three people that read this (well, maybe there’s more of you but you never know 🙂 ), any wagers on how long I stick with this morning constitutional plan?

4 thoughts on “Strolling…”

  1. I’ve been walking to the second bus stop – about two km – in the mornings. It seems to help with my mp3 player in tow. Good luck!

  2. I think you’ll walk almost everyday, and you’ll find yourself going out in the rain as well. I think you should try walking on a trail or a path in the woods or nature reserve.

    1. Great suggestions, if there were something resembling woods anywhere nearby. That said, the path idea might work; there is a path nearby.

  3. good effort mate .now a fourth person reading this ….found your site from the million dollar page.Am in liverpool ,england .like the photos and travel pics..nice one. ali.

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