
Towel Day was on Thursday. For the first time, I actually observed Towel Day by carrying around a large blue bath towel all day. Yes, it does look ridiculous to carry a towel around with you. But, really, does it look any more ridiculous than some of the things people wear normally? It seems to me that it only looks strange because it just isn’t commonly done. That aside, I wonder what it says about my workplace when nobody commented on the fact that I had a towel on my desk all day. Maybe they’ve become immune to me doing odd things but I don’t think that’s it. Either way, I observed Towel Day and I think I might do so again next year.

Towel Day aside, I also went to the X-Men movie yesterday. The movie itself was entertaining but that’s not the notable bit. After all, everyone was expecting the movie to be entertaining. The notable bit was that Chinook Mall (where the movie theatre I went to is) actually had people out directing traffic at the major traffic choke points (which are all-way stops). I remember coming out of one movie and having it take nearly an hour to get out of the parking lot. Yesterday there was at least as many people there and everyone trying to leave the parking lot at the same time but this time it only took a reasonable ten minutes or so. It’s amazing what can happen when traffic gets waved through the stop signs in a controlled manner, especially when coordinated with the other traffic controllers. Sure, it felt like things were taking longer than they needed to, but it really didn’t. Instead of leaving the traffic to work out all on its own what to do about the stop signs, they arranged for it to actually clear ahead of the choke points before letting anyone else into each leg of the trip. It seems to me that someone was exercising some intelligence last night. Hopefully it is a trend that continues.

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