Sometimes Lucky

This morning, I was listening to QR77 as usual. They often have these email trivia contests where they ask some sort of question. Often it is related to something going on today or something that happened in the past on the same day or the like. Today, the question essentially boiled down to "Who was the Premier of Newfoundland in 1990?" There was some preamble to it but that was the actual question. When I heard that, a light bulb went on over my head.

Now, I had no idea about any of the Premiers of Newfoundland even though I should have remembered the name given the significance of events surrounding the Meech Lake accord. I do remember the controversy about Meech Lake even though I was only in junior high at the time. Perhaps I remember it most because my social studies teacher (MacFarlane I think his name was) gave us an assignment to write a short essay entitled "Why I Support Meech Lake". There was only one problem with that. I didn’t support Meech Lake (nor would I if it came again). What makes this memorable is that it pissed me off enough that I wrote a rather inappropriate essay where I told the teacher to (and I’m serious here) shove the assignment up his ass. Of course, when he graded it two months later (he never kept up with anything), I didn’t remember doing it.

Anyway, I digress. Perhaps because of that memory, I had this impulse to write in on the trivia question. So I wandered over to my computer and spent twenty seconds on Google and found the answer. Another thirty seconds or so to send the email and boom, the deed was done. Of course, I never win these things so I wasn’t really expecting anything. Then, I was driving down Edmonton Trail on the way to work, right around 12 Ave, when Stirling announced the winner of the trivia question. And, to my surprise it was my name. Unsurprisingly, he mispronounced my last name.

So today I ended up winning a pair of tickets to the Stampeders pre-season game on Thursday, passes for four to a preview of some movie or other on Thursday at the same time, the title of which escapes me at the moment, and passes for four to a preview screening of "Garfield: A Taile of Two Kitties" on Saturday. Well, I’m not particularly interested in the football game but a co-worker expressed an interest so I gave them to someone who would enjoy them. I plan to see the movie on Thursday and I’m definitely going to see Garfield. Come to think of it, the Garfied bit might have been another motivating factor for entering the contest.

In any event, this just goes to prove that you can win these things once in a while, even if you hardly ever play them.

About the only thing that would have made the day better would have been if I didn’t watch the end of "Chrno Crusade". Talk about a downer ending. Well, not totally and it was not totally unexpected given the setting and the back story. Even so, you end up hoping until the bitter end that some much happier solution is found. To the credit of the writers and producers, they didn’t cave into happy-ending-itis but even so, it still makes it hard to take. In fact, I was reminded quite heavily of the ending of "Saikano", even down to the way the final episode summed everything up even though the ending was already well known. Well, at least the ending of "Chrno Crusade" is not nearly so sad or, well, final as that of "Saikano".

Well, I suppose it’s bed time now so I should stop rambling on about things.

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