Dumb Web Sites

What is it about some people that they actually spend money on domains to simply run gag web sites? I mean, why, exactly, would anyone spend money to put up www.yetanotheruselesswebsite.com? Or www.chmod000.com? Or any number of other equally inane sites?

Okay, I’ll admit that the two sites cited above are mine. You would think I would know just why a person would do that on account of having done it myself. I don’t. Well, not really, anyway. My contention is that it has something to do with entertainment. It’s entertaining to come across a gag like that sometimes. And it’s great conversation material.

No doubt, I’ll continue to renew the domains for my gag sites. And I’ll probably create more of them in the future. So what do all three of my readers think? Have you seen some great gag sites out there? Why do people create them?

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