‘Fest Trip, Day 3

Day three of the drive to Elgin was mostly uneventful as long as you consider the usual traffic snarls uneventful. I drove through rain for most of the day. That got old pretty fast but I survived it so it can’t have been that bad. I even managed to avoid rush hour in the Chicago area this year. That’s pretty impressive. Of course, I managed that by catching rush hour at Madison. I suppose nothing is perfect.

Much of the ‘Fest gang gathered at the convention centre this evening as there was much setting up to be done. Of course, it’s much like the rest of the ‘Fest as everyone stood round doing the “oooo, ahhhh” thing at everything that was there last year. It should be fun tomorrow with some new faces showing up, too.

Too bad the internet access isn’t working well in my room. The wireless access point is present and my system makes an association with it but the AP isn’t giving an IP address out. That’s a bit annoying. I could probably fix it if I knew where the AP was located but I expect I don’t have access to it. Then again, what would life be like if I had nothing to complain about.

Well, I’m for bed soonish so I can be awake for tomorrow’s proceedings.

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