Trip Day 1 Redux

I have arrived in Regina safe and sound and checked into the hotel without incident. I can even see my car out the window.

The trip from Calgary has been mostly uneventful. That is to say, it was boring. I stopped in Strathmore for breakfast which was about the most entertaining part of the day so far. I happened in on a few customers who were kibitzing around with the waitress, one Wanda. It seemed appropriate to join in to some extent, and, quite frankly, it was refreshing to see folks just having fun. I suspect the customers were regulars, but still, it was entertaining.

I ended up stopping at a rest stop before Medicine Hat due to having eaten some stuff yesterday that I probably ought not to have. That was real fun since the rest stop had outhouses rather than the usual flush facilities, etc., that one often finds at such installations. Still, it provided the necessary relief. There was a speed trap along the highway between the rest stop and Medicine Hat, too. It was quite entertaining to watch the guy that went zipping past me and the rest of the folks that were travelling along at approximately the speed limit suddenly slow down to the limit. (I say we were going approximately the speed limit because the distance between us was not quite constant. Probably a very slight variation in the cruise control settings.)

That about sums up the trip so far. The rest of it was simply looking at relatively low traffic on a twinned highway. The most entertaining part of it was the rough bits in the road west of Swift Current. (No, the usual jokes about roads in Saskatchewan do not apply. The road wasn’t any better on average in Alberta.)

I did stop for food after filling up with gas at the Husky in Swift Current. Of all things, they had hash brown soup. I thought I was the only one that made that but apparently I was wrong. It was quite good, too.

Now I just need to figure out just which route I’m going to take to get to Fargo, my next stop-over point. I could go south from Regina and go via Estavan or I could take the usual route west and cross at Pembina. Either one is about the same length of time.

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